Master Bath (Almost) Ready for Inspection
Hello everyone! We finally have an update for our blog. Tor has been working on the master bath over the last few months getting it ready for the final inspection before insulation goes in and walls go up. We have insulation scheduled for Thursday this week so Tor took work off last week to get everything complete. He still has has a little work to do, but not too much. He had me run to the city this morning to get a new electrical permit. All other building permits don't expire, but the electrical permit does. Bummer on the pocket book a little I guess. Oh well!

Here is some of the HVAC coming up. The room on the right is the toilet room and the room on the left is the laundry room.

Mae is getting bigger and no longer needs to jump up on the window to see in.

Here is a shot of the shower. It will have dual shower heads and a slope to the wall under the window where the drain will be. There will also be 2 "bump-ins" between the controls. One for shampoo etc and one for my foot for when I shave my legs.

Laundry hookup. He still needs to get the drainage pan installed too.

This is where the dual vanity will be. I was too lazy to move the ladder.

Tub hookup on the left. I am excited to see how the tub and other fixtures fill the space.

This is what the room looks like as you enter from the bedroom. It isn't a great shot because all the sheetrock is stacked up right when I crawl through the window.